For your convenience, we accept cash, checks, money orders, and all major credit cards. We also work with Care Credit for further patient financing options – please see below. These programs offer a variety of payment plans depending on your needs and financial qualifications.
If you have any questions regarding your account, please contact us at (209) 522-5238. We welcome your questions and many times a simple phone call to one of our customer friendly staff members can immediately set your mind at ease.

On-line application ( or call 1.800.677.0718
Payments made directly to CareCredit
6, 12 and 18 months same as cash, no minimum financed amount
24, 36 and 48 month extended payment plans also available at 13.9% interest
We will send you a monthly statement. Most insurance companies will respond within four to six weeks. Please call our office if your statement does not reflect your insurance payment within that time frame. Any remaining balance after your insurance has paid is your responsibility. Your prompt remittance is appreciated.
Modesto Oral Surgery strives to provide you and your family with the finest surgical care and the most convenient financial options. The flexibility of our payment policies helps to ensure that cost is not a deterrent to doing what’s best for you and your family’s health.
To accomplish this, we work closely with you and your insurance carriers to maximize your insurance reimbursement for covered procedures. Some surgeries may be reimbursed through your medical insurance and we are experienced in helping you successfully navigate the complex insurance coverage twists and turns.
We are happy to bill your appropriate insurances for any treatment provided and promise to deliver optimal surgical care at the most reasonable cost. Modesto Oral Surgery requests that payment arrangements be established before your treatment is initiated. Payment for the estimated out-of-pocket expenses is customarily due at the time service is rendered.For your convenience, we accept cash, checks, money orders, and all major credit cards.
If we participate with your medical or dental plan, we will file the claim for you. You are responsible for co-pays/co-insurance, deductibles and non-covered services at the time of service. If we do not participate with your insurance plan, we will still file a claim to your insurance for you. However, you remain financially responsible for all charges incurred.